Public Transport Services Review

End date
11 August 2021

It was agreed at the Communities Committee on 23 February 2021, that the Road Safety Member/Officer Working Group (MOWG) would review public transport services, as part of the review of policies, plans and strategies associated with the Road Safety Framework to 2030

This follows a series of focus groups held with:

  • community councils
  • volunteer organisations
  • Angus Community Planning Partnership
  • Angus Transport Network
  • other providers of services across Angus Council
  • neighbouring authorities
  • emergency services.

With the help of the focus groups, several emerging key issues have been identified.

The public survey for the review was designed to seek views and preferences related to these key issues. The survey also allowed you to share your views on other issues relating to public transport services in Angus.

The findings from the surveys will be considered by the Road Safety MOWG and then published in a report to the Communities Committee later this year.

It is hoped that with your help, improvements can be made on how we deliver our public transport services in Angus.

How to have your say

An online survey was available to give views.