Gambling - premises licence

An application for a premises licence may be made by persons who are over 18 years of age and by companies or partnerships, having a right to occupy the particular premises. Vessels such as pleasure boats qualify as premises for this purpose but vehicles, such as trains and aircraft, do not.

The applicant must already hold, or have applied for, an operating licence from the Gambling Commission authorising the type of gambling proposed.

Only one premises licence may be issued for any particular premises at one time, although the licence may authorise more than one type of gambling. Tracks such as horse and dog racing tracks are the exception to this rule; they may have more than one premises licence.

Further information and guidance

Further information can be obtained from the Gambling Commission website and also from the Department of Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) website.

Licence period
Once issued, premises licences currently last indefinitely unless they are surrendered by the licensee, revoked for failure to pay the annual fee or have lapsed due to the death, incapacity, bankruptcy or sequestration of the licensee.
Gambling fees
Classes of premises licenceApplication fee in respect of premises which have a provisional statementFee for (a) application in respect of other premises; or (b) application for provisional statementAnnual feeFee for application to vary licenceFee for application (a) to transfer a licence; or (b) for reinstatement of a licence
Regional casino premises licence£6,000£11,250£11,250£5,625£4,880
Large casino premises licence£3,750£7,500£7,500£3,750£1,600
Small casino premises licence£2,250£6,000£3,750£3,000£1,350
Converted casino premises licence  £2,550£1,500£1,000
Bingo premises licence£840£2,450£700£1,200£840
Adult gaming centre premises licence£840£1,400£700£700£840
Betting premises (track) licence£660£1,750£1,000£870£660
Family entertainment centre premises licence£660£1,400£500£700£660
Betting premises (other) licence£840£2,100£400£1,050£840