Occasional licence
You need an occasional licence if you wish to sell alcohol from premises that are not licensed. Applicants must be:
- the holder of a premises licence (for other premises) or
- the holder of a personal licence or
- a representative of a voluntary organisation where this is in connection with the organisation’s activities.
Qualifying Clubs (members' clubs that people join for particular social, sporting or political reasons) which hold a premises licence still need to apply for an occasional licence to permit general public entry.
Where premises are used for public entertainment a public entertainment licence is also required.
Occasional licences for outdoor drinking areas - COVID-19
Premises that do not currently have an outdoor drinking area may wish to utilise the Occasional Licence procedure.
Read the following documents before applying:
- Effective Management of Noise: British Beer and Pub Association
- Scottish Government Coronavirus (COVID-19): Safer workplaces and public settings guidance
We will not process your application if you do not include a detailed layout plan of the site you wish to be licensed along with a Noise Management Plan. These must accompany your application when you submit it.
Please do not apply for more than 14 days in one application as an Occasional Licence cannot be granted for more than 14 days.
Number of applications
Voluntary organisations may not have occasional licences for more than 56 days in any 12 month period.
Voluntary organisations and Qualifying Clubs may have no more than four occasional licences which are each for four days or more AND no more than 12 occasional licences which are for less than four days in any 12 month period.
£10 (set fee fixed by Scottish Government)
Cheques should be made payable to Angus Council
There are two ways to apply:
You can either apply online at GOV.UK
Or download and complete an Occasional licence application form (140 KB PDF) and return to Angus Council, Legal & Democratic Services, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar, DD8 1AN
If an outside area and/or a temporary structure, such as a marquee/beer tent/mobile bar is to be licensed, provide an outline plan/sketch of the location where the occasional licence is to have effect:
Occasional licence - area plan/sketch map for outdoor events (25 KB PDF)
What happens next
The licensing board will notify the chief constable, Police Scotland and licensing standards officer within seven days of receipt of your application.
They will have 21 days from receipt of the notification in which to reply to the board.
The application will be posted on Tell me Scotland for at least seven days. Anyone with an objection must notify the board while the application is on the website.
Where the Board does not receive any recommendation from the chief constable, report from the licensing standards officer or representation from a member of the public, it will grant the application subject to Mandatory Conditions (30 KB PDF).
For more details on the process including appeals and objections read:
Applications should be submitted at least 49 days (seven weeks) prior to the event.
No occasional licence lasts longer than 14 days.
The Licensing Team are able to provide general guidance on licensing administration but cannot assist you to complete your application form or provide legal advice on whether a licence is required. You should seek legal advice from a solicitor or advice centre if you are unsure as to whether you require a licence.