Food caddies
If you have moved into a house where the outdoor food caddy is missing:
- Check your calendar to see if your address receives food waste collections
- If it does, order a replacement for a missing food caddy using our online form:
Assisted collections are also available for food waste caddies. Make sure your caddy is left where the collection crew can see it from the kerbside.
Missing bins
Have a look around your street before reporting your bin as missing as bins/caddies can get mixed up with neighbours'.
If your bin is still missing report it using our online form.
We will deliver a replacement within five working days.
Damaged bins
If your bin has minor damage, it is probably still usable. If the wheels are sticking try oiling them.
If there is a large crack; or a lid, wheel or axle is missing or damaged report it using our online form.
We may send an inspector to assess the damage and how it was caused. If the damage to the bin is your fault, you will be liable for the cost of a replacement:
- 240 litre bin: £37.80
- 140 litre bin: £31.80
Prices include VAT and delivery.
We will fix your bin or deliver a replacement and remove your damaged bin within five working days.
Blue bin lids
If the lid on your new blue bin is not closing properly please don't report it as damaged.
This happens because bins are left open and stacked in storage before delivery. When bins are delivered and the lids closed, the lids may take time to settle.
The lid should settle and close properly in time.
New builds
Residents of new build properties can order bins using the form below. We will deliver bins within five working days of your entry date.
Request bins for a newly built property
Green garden waste bins
You can order and pay for additional green garden waste bins on our register, renew and pay for garden waste bins page.
Extra bins
If you regularly have more recycling than fits in your grey or blue recycling bin or food waste caddy, you can request another bin.
Please wait until you have had two or three collections of your new blue bin to see if you need an extra bin.
We may provide an additional non-recyclable (general) waste bin due to:
- family size
- where a medical condition results in excess waste
as long as you are making full use of recycling and food waste services (where available to you).
Request extra bin(s) due to family size or medical condition
After you receive an additional bin we will review your situation every two years.
If your circumstances change and you no longer require the service let us know.