- scaffolding permit
- scams
- Scheduled Ancient Monuments and archaeological sites
- scheme of assistance
- school catchment areas
- school closures
- school clothing grant
- school holidays
- school meals
- school roll projections
- school transport
- school transport updates
- school uniform
- schools and young people
- Scottish Welfare Fund
- seagulls
- second hand dealer's licence
- second homes
- secondary schools
- self-directed support
- sex education
- sheltered housing
- short-term lets
- small business bonus relief
- small society lottery licence
- social care and health
- social housing
- special uplifts of household items
- speed limits
- sport club promotion with Active Schools
- sports centres
- sports clubs for children
- stillbirth registration
- street naming
- street trader's licence
- suggestions
- Sustainable Angus
- swimming pools
- syringes - discarded