Planet Youth

Planet Youth aims to prevent or delay the onset of risk-taking behaviours, such as substance use, by teenagers.

It does this by building and strengthening positive protective factors in young people’s lives. These factors include family, peers, school and leisure.

Based on the Icelandic model of prevention, data is collected every two years through a survey.

This data provides valuable insights into the protective factors and behaviours of young people.

Using the data and working with communities, families, young people and partners, preventative and early intervention measures are implemented that focus on local need.

Find out more at the Planet Youth website.

Planet Youth in Angus

Angus is the sixth local authority in Scotland to be part of the Planet Youth model.

A pilot is being implemented in the Forfar and Kirriemuir areas.

Using key insights from our data, the Angus Coalition would like to support and build capacity of organisations in both areas to improve and build upon protective factors.

Funding criteria

We are now seeking proposals that support the work of Planet Youth in the Forfar and Kirriemuir area, by building protective factors around:

  • community

  • peer relationships

  • leisure

This funding will support activity that:

  • happens outwith the school day (weekends, evenings and school holidays)

  • offers young people additional positive opportunities in their community through cultural, leisure and youth work activities.

Projects should also meet at least one of the following National Youth Work Outcomes:

  • Young People build their health and wellbeing

  • Young people consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control

  • Young people broaden their perspectives through new experiences and thinking

More about National Youth Work Outcomes.

Who can apply

The following types of organisations, delivering community-based work with children and young people aged 8 to 18 in the Forfar or Kirriemuir area, can apply:

  • registered charities

  • community groups

  • public sector organisations

You will need

Organisations will require the following (if applicable):

  • a governing document, such as a constitution, setting out the name and purpose of your organisation

  • a committee or board with at least two unrelated members

  • a bank account in your organisation’s name

  • yearly financial accounts

  • copy of safeguarding policy

We expect all staff and volunteers working with children and young people to have undertaken a PVG check.

We also expect necessary risk assessments and data protection policies to be in place prior to the activity.


Young people, who have been trained in assessing applications using National Youth Work outcomes, will help us assess applications.

Each section of the application will be scored using a point-based system. Those applications with the highest scores (up to the total amount of funding available) will be awarded funding.

Online information session for interested groups

Will take place from 6pm to 7pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

Email Jennifer Miller at and ask for the invite link to join the session.


Bids must be submitted by 5pm on 10 February 2025.

You will be advised of the outcome of your bid by Monday 3 March 2025.

Funding will be processed by the week beginning 24 March 2025.    

All funding awarded must be spent by 31 March 2026.

How to apply

Apply by completing the online application form:

Apply for Planet Youth funding

If you need help with your application

Email Jennifer Miller at