
We can provide electronic and printed map extracts to answer:

  • Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
  • Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests
  • planning enquiries
  • other statutory requests for information
  • questions from community groups

To use our mapping service, or to check whether you qualify for free mapping under the terms of the council licence, call our contact centre 03452 777 778.


Charges vary depending on scale and number of copies.

We charge the cost of the mapping plus an admin fee of £10.

For more information visit our terms and conditions page.

You can downloaded mapping as OS OpenData for free from the Ordnance Survey website.

Where requests do not qualify, you can buy Landranger 1:50000 and Explorer 1:25000 maps from us, newsagents, bookshops or Ordnance Survey.

Planning applications

If you are submitting a planning application and need basic site plans you can order them online.

Schools and students

School pupils should ask their teacher to get maps for them.

Students who need mapping for a school or university project should contact their local library.

Students can copy a small quantity of any Ordnance Survey mapping less than 50 years old for private study, research, criticism or review purposes.

Where to find our data


We publish a number of environmental datasets which are free to use. These datasets are published under the EU INSPIRE regulations.  These regulations require local government across the EU to make datasets available to improve the sharing of environmental geographical information among public sector organisations and to improve access to spatial information across Europe.