Noise App (noise recording) Privacy Statement

What we need and why

We will be undertaking an investigation into noise emanating from your property. This may include recordings taken of the noise from a third party, provided to our service to establish if the concerns raised require further action. We will only collect the personal information we need to investigate the noise concern raised, and to ensure we have investigated this concern in line with our legal obligations as a Council. The personal data will include noise recordings, and may also include your name, address and telephone number. This personal data has been provided to us by a third party and is not publicly sourced information.

Who we share the information with

We will only share your information for the purpose it was collected for and only where it is necessary to effectively deliver our services. The recordings that are made of the noise emanating from your property will be considered by Environmental Health Officers and Housing Officers, who are tasked to fulfil our statutory duty to investigate potential statutory nuisance. Some of your personal information, e.g., your name and address, may be shared out with Angus Council if it is considered necessary when investigating the noise complaint.

What we do with it

We will use the recorded information to establish if there is a basis to undertake further investigations into a complaint received. The information may also be used to take enforcement action where appropriate.

The council maintains data protection controls in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, other data protection legislation and its own Information Security Policy to ensure the effective and secure processing of your personal information. 

How long we keep it

We only keep your personal information for the minimum period necessary and it is generally the current year plus two years after the closure of our investigation. If the complaint is unjustified, information will be held for a period of 12 months. The recordings that may be taken when we initially investigate the complaint will be deleted after they have been assessed by the investigating officer. We will not hold the recordings on our files.

How we store it

We will store your information electronically and in some instances in hard copy.

Please note that you should read this service specific Privacy Notice in conjunction with the council's Full Privacy Statement.