Trading Standards HMRC Privacy Statement

What we need and why

Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will routinely collect your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address and, where applicable, business details. We may occasionally collect information about your health (in order to provide you with tailored advice/guidance and support). This will allow us to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the issue you have raised with us.

Who we share the information with

We will only share your information for the purpose it was collected for and only where it is necessary to effectively deliver our services. We will also generally comply with requests for specific information from other regulatory and law enforcement bodies where this is necessary and appropriate. Occasionally we may share your contact details with other authorities if your enquiry falls under a different authority’s jurisdiction. We may gather more information from internal services such as Housing or Council Tax, for example.

What we do with it

We use your data to allow us to provide you with advice/guidance and assess whether businesses are complying with consumer and business protection legislative requirements. The information may also be used to take enforcement action where appropriate. We also use your information to verify your identity where required, to contact you by post, email, or telephone.

The council maintains data protection controls in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, other data protection legislation and its own Information Security Policy to ensure the effective and secure processing of your personal information.

How long we keep it

We only keep your personal information for the minimum period necessary. If we are providing you with a consumer protection service, we will keep your information for the duration of the service provision. If you have made a payment for a service then we are required under UK tax law to keep your basic personal data (name, address, contact details) for a minimum of six years after which time it will be destroyed. Petroleum records will be retained indefinitely for historic and safety purposes.

How we store it

We will store your information electronically and in some instances in hard copy.

Please note that you should read this service specific Privacy Notice in conjunction with the council’s Full Privacy Statement