Postal and proxy voting

The last day to apply for a new postal vote or postal proxy vote, or to change or cancel an existing postal or proxy vote for the Arbroath West, Letham & Friockheim Ward by-election is 5pm on Wednesday 10 April 2024.

The last day to apply for a new proxy vote for the Arbroath West, Letham & Friockheim Ward by-election is 5pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024.  You and your appointed proxy must be registered to vote to apply.

For more information on how to apply for a postal or proxy vote visit the Electoral Commission website.

You and your appointed proxy must be registered individually to vote to apply.

If you intend to be away in the run up to the by-election and cannot get to a polling station in person please contact the electoral registration officer who will be able to give you further guidance on the voting options available to you.

Postal votes for this by-election will be issued on Tuesday 16 April 2024.

Once you’ve received your postal pack, read the enclosed instructions carefully, mark your vote on the ballot papers, complete the postal voting statement and put these in envelopes provided making sure you send your completed pack back as soon as possible and by no later than 10pm on Thursday 25 April 2024. If it arrives later than this your vote won't be counted. For more information download a copy of our pictorial guide to completing your postal voting pack  

If you lose or spoil part of your postal voting pack after you receive it then you should call the election helpline via our contact centre on 03452 777 778 straightaway for guidance on how to obtain a replacement. Do not destroy your original pack if is spoilt as you will need to return all of this to us.