Protocol to be followed at civic engagements

The following points of protocol are designed as a guide for anyone inviting the Provost to an engagement.

  1. Part of the Angus Provost’s role is to have a high profile at local, civic and community events. We welcome invitations to attend such events.
    Please note the Provost has a very busy schedule. While the Provost is keen to attend as many events as possible, please understand that sometimes they may be unable to attend. If this is the case, every effort will be made for the Depute Provost to attend.
    If neither the Provost nor the Depute Provost can attend, we will endeavour to find someone suitable to attend the event.
  2. Please ensure that when the Provost arrives, they are met by an official of the organisation holding the function. They should be introduced to the President, Chair or whoever acts as host, unless they are being introduced to the assembled company immediately.
  3. The Provost should be supplied with background information about the event and about the host organisation, including an itinerary for the visit, at least two weeks in advance.
  4. Where the Provost has been asked to make a speech, please ensure that a speech template is completed and returned to the Provost’s Office at least two weeks in advance. Please include as much information as possible, as this will help outline the speech and any press release to be issued by the council’s communications team, where relevant.
  5. Please ensure the Provost is introduced to other guests and is not left on their own for the duration of the visit.
  6. Please ensure that appropriate seating is reserved for the Provost and partner, if they are in attendance. Where the Provost is at the top table their partner should also be seated at the top table but not necessarily together.
  7. The Provost’s position is non-political and does not give prominence to any one political party. Their position should be respected as such, with no attempts made to lobby the Provost or discuss political topics during functions. Please refer any issues of concern to the council or your ward councillors.
  8. A parking space should be allocated for the Provost’s vehicle ahead of arrival at the venue.

Further information is available from either:

Roz Brown
Executive Support Officer (Members' Services)
01307 494245


Kate Drossel
Executive Support Assistant (Members' Services)
01307 494770