Council Tax banding and charges

The amount of Council Tax you pay is calculated by taking the full charge for your property's band, minus any council tax benefit, discount, exemption or relief.

Find out which Council Tax band your property is in at the Scottish Assessors Association website. If you disagree with their decision you can lodge an appeal.

The full charge for each band is shown below..

This does not include Scottish Water's water and sewerage charges.

BandCouncil Tax (£) 2024-25Council Tax (£) 2025-26

Help to pay

If you are a low-income household you can apply for help through the council tax reduction scheme. Your council tax notice will include any reduction you are entitled to.

How to pay

The easiest way to pay your council tax is in regular instalments by Direct Debit – you can pay monthly, fortnightly or weekly.

If you are having difficulty making your payments please contact us. We can set up a payment arrangement to prevent the build-up of debt.

Joint and several liability

Any persons who have a joint interest in a property as well as the spouse or partner of a liable person shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of Council Tax/Water/Sewerage Charges. Full-time students are exempt from joint and several liability while they remain students.