The Development Standards Committee is responsible for determining planning applications which require a decision at elected member level, enforcement, dangerous buildings and tree preservation orders.
All papers relating to the Development Standards Committee from September 2014 are available on our agendas, reports and minutes from September 2014 pages. To request papers from before September 2014 use our online enquiry form.
For meeting dates visit our forthcoming council meetings page.
- David Cheape (Convener)
- Brenda Durno (Vice-Convener)
- Chris Beattie
- Kenny Braes
- Serena Cowdy
- Bill Duff
- Heather Doran
- Craig Fotheringham
- Iain Gall
- Ian McLaren
- Lloyd Melville
- Gavin Nicol
- Tommy Stewart
How the meeting is run
If you would like to speak at the meeting, please contact us by 5pm the day before.
At the meeting, each application will be taken in the order that it appears on the agenda.
Slides or plans of the proposals can be shown.
The planning officer will give details of the application and committee members may request clarification from officers on points of fact.
Applicants, agents, or any member of the public who has asked to speak to the committee will then be given five minutes, followed by any questions from the committee.
The committee will not consider any plans or written material that the applicant or another speaker brings to the meeting.
If you wish the committee to view photographs, please have 20 copies available for each member of the committee.
The committee will then consider the application and make a decision which will be confirmed by the clerk.