Local authorities are required, under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, to prepare a Local Housing Strategy (LHS) supported by an assessment of housing need and demand (HNDA).
The HNDA provides the council and partners with an understanding of both current and future housing markets, helping develop an understanding of the scale of housing need and demand relating to both affordable and market housing.
The Angus HNDA was undertaken in 2013, with the TAYplan HNDA assessed as robust and credible by the Scottish Government’s Centre for Housing Market Analysis (CHMA) in 2014.
The key evidence base was used to inform the Angus LHS 2017-22, which consequently identified a requirement to provide more in-depth analysis of our housing market areas to assist in the delivery of the strategic outcome: The supply and availability of good quality, affordable housing is improved.
Complementing a succinct analysis of local need and demand, the area profiles will outline:
- key demographic and housing market drivers
- local area income estimates and deprivation
- stock profiling across all tenure
- analysis of social sector supply and stock management
- analysis of private rented and owner-occupied sectors (including affordability analysis)
- common housing register profiling (tenant and applicant profiling; and specialist housing need)
- estimated housing need and demand
- anticipated affordable housing delivery
- land valuation and commuted sums
These area profiles are designed to inform and guide those involved in the delivery of housing in Angus, and the evidence base will be a useful tool to assist with the development of policies and strategic direction related to local housing supply, stock management and the provision of housing-related services.