Job listings
Search for and apply for jobs using the UK Government's Find a Job.
For Angus Council vacancies visit My Job Scotland.
For job opportunities and help with your job search and application skills go to Angus Job Search.
Advice and training
Our Skills and Employment Team offer a variety of training opportunities within Angus for those looking to gain sustained employment. They may also be able to assist with short-term funding for vocational training or childcare costs.
Long term unemployed
The Long Term Unemployed programme supports people into paid work placements (Real Living Wage) for approximately six months.
Young people
Find out How we can help young people into work.
The National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rate per hour depends on your age and whether you are an apprentice, the rates change every April.
Use the minimum wage calculator to check which is being paid.
Don’t be caught out when looking for a job - there are criminal organisations who attempt to scam people who are job seeking, visit Safer Jobs for free advice. There is also advice on avoiding the scammers on our Scam Free Angus pages.
Issues with your current employer
ACAS provide free and impartial information on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law.