We provide a service in Angus to young people aged 15 to 19 years old. If you are in your final 6 months of statutory education or have left school and are not in further education, training, or employment, you can get help from a 16+ support worker.
We can help you to gain the skills and confidence you need to prepare for employment and is particularly suitable if you are experiencing barriers such as: no or limited work experience, have additional support needs, are experiencing poor mental health, affected by homelessness, and would like support to overcome these barriers and move towards further education, training, and employment.
You will receive dedicated support from a 16+ support worker who will work with you to develop an individual plan to help you reach agreed goals. Based on your needs and interests it will help you to prepare for further learning and employment.
Your plan will be tailored to your needs and interests but might include things like:
- taster sessions with college
- sessions with training providers
- work placements
- innovative group projects such as:
- music sessions/courses
- construction taster sessions/courses
- rural skills session/course
- outdoor learning sessions
Further information
For further information please use our online form:
Financial support
We can offer financial support to help you find or take up a job or training place. This can include help with:
- travel costs
- costs of training to help secure a job
- specialist tools or other equipment
You may be eligible for Education Maintenance Allowance of £30 per week.
Activity through 16+ as part of NOLB/Young Person's Guarantee will count as approved education and training in relation to a claim for Child Tax Credits or Child Benefit. For further information visit the gov.uk website.
Drop in sessions
These give you a chance to:
- meet with your 16+ support worker
- get more information
- get career advice and guidance from Skills Development Scotland staff
- access computers for supported job search
- help you to progress towards education, training, or employment
Venue | Day | Time |
Mohub, Montrose | Tuesday | 12noon - 3pm |
Hedzup, Forfar | Tuesday and *Wednesday | 12noon - 4pm |
316 Abbott Street, Arbroath | Wednesday | 1pm - 3.30pm |
The Crickety, Brechin | Thursday | 1pm - 4pm |
Carnoustie Hub | *appointment only | 1pm - 4pm |
*Appointment only - where necessary, initial visits can be arranged at home or alongside meetings with other professionals/organisations known to the young person.