Is Northmuir Primary School the healthiest school?

photo of Northmuir PS school sign with pupil outside
Friday 31 May 2024

Iona, Reilly, Harrison and Brooke from Northmuir Primary School showcased their innovative #WeAreTheHealthiestSchool initiative to our Family, Education and Justice Committee this week, highlighting their outstanding efforts to promote health and wellbeing within their school and community. 

Following the four pillars (a similar model Aberfeldy use) of Move Daily, Eat Well, Make Connections and Find Balance, the children have taken the lead in this initiative, resulting in a variety of activities designed to promote health and wellbeing across the school:

  • daily fitness challenges
  • healthy tuck shop
  • promotional posters
  • health week
  • pupil-led activity groups
  • staff challenges
  • Forfar Loch Parkrun
  • community engagement
  • intergenerational projects
  • extra-curricular clubs.

With the support of the school and their Active Schools Co-ordinator, Magnus Moncrieff the children can get involved in fun, game type activities in and out of school.

The project’s impact extends beyond the school, with community involvement from organisations such as ANGUSalive, Webster’s Sports Centre and local parents/carers, landowners and artists getting involved.

Looking ahead, the school with the support of parents and carers and community plans to further support healthy eating and promote a “Smartphone free childhood” movement. And seeing as this is a community initiative the school hopes to inspire other schools to join in and create a healthy competition.

Northmuir Primary School is well on its way to achieving its goal of becoming the healthiest school in Kirriemuir!