Survey – Availability of Wheelchair Accessible Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles

Published on Tuesday 18 February 2025

We want you to have your say on taxis in the Angus Council area by taking part in our survey.

Specifically, we want to understand more about the experiences of people who make journeys using wheelchair accessible taxis.

As a Council, we licence both drivers and operators to trade in the area, with vehicles licensed as either taxis or private hire vehicles.  In this survey, for simplicity ‘taxi’ refers to both.

We have engaged the TAS Partnership to carry out this research into learning more about the experiences of local taxi users in Angus. We want to understand more about passengers’ experiences with wheelchair accessible taxis, and how effectively they meet different travel needs.

Wheelchair Accessible Taxis Survey

An accessible taxi is one that is designed to accommodate a passenger travelling in a wheelchair. It may have additional features to assist passengers with specific mobility needs related to physical or sensory impairment.

Please take part in the survey if you are:

  • An individual who can tell us about personal experiences with taxis, including family members, friends or carers who may accompany someone on journeys
  • A representative of a groups and/or organisation whose clients or members may require accessible taxis and have experience of organising or procuring accessible transport.

If you have any experience of local taxis, we would like to invite you to participate in this short questionnaire available via our Engage Angus webpages.

You can also get a hard copy of the survey by contacting  or calling 01307 492299; requesting a copy or copies from Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar and  Bruce House, Wellgate, Arbroath; and on request from local public libraries and ACCESS offices.

The survey is open for four weeks from today (Tuesday 18 February 2025) until Monday 17 March 2025.

We would also encourage people to raise awareness about the survey among individuals and groups who may not have routine access to social media platforms so we can hear the views of as many people as possible.

Anyone with any queries can contact or call 01307 492299.