Homeless Prevention Service

Our Angus-wide service supports those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

We can help you if you are:

  • homeless
  • living in temporary accommodation
  • living in local authority, housing association or private rented housing

Our Homeless Prevention Support Team can support you to:

  • maintain your tenancy, preventing homelessness
  • set up a new tenancy
  • manage your benefits, budgeting, and other financial matters
  • access health services and other third sector services
  • navigate through the homeless route / housing issues
  • access education, employment, and volunteering
  • manage your health and wellbeing
  • develop independent and self-care living skills

To find out more call ACCESSLine on 03452 777 778 or email HomelessnessSupport@angus.gov.uk

Housing First

Our Homeless Prevention Support Team also provide support for Housing First tenancies in Angus.

Housing First targets those who have a history of homelessness or failed tenancies and multiple needs, such as:

  • substance use
  • mental health
  • offending behaviour

Our aim is to provide a tenancy as early as possible with wraparound intensive support in partnership with other services in Angus.

To find out more call our contact centre on 03452 777 778 or email HomelessnessSupport@angus.gov.uk