Mental health service for older people and people with dementia

We offer a community mental health service for:

  • people with dementia of all ages
  • people over 65 years of age with mental health problems.

These teams include staff from health and social work including mental health nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists and support workers, who work together to help people with mental health problems.

They offer advice, guidance and support in a number of areas:

  • monitoring your mental health
  • therapy, including dealing with anxiety
  • admitting you to hospital for assessment
  • day care
  • occupational therapy services, which include providing equipment to help you at home
  • home care
  • respite options that can include residential care and care at home
  • advice about welfare benefits and budgeting
  • residential and nursing home care

You can contact the team via our contact centre on 03452 777 778

Once you, or someone on your behalf, has contacted us we will get back to you to organise an assessment. This assessment will focus on your mental health issues and may lead to a treatment plan being developed.

The service is confidential and information may only be shared with your permission.

Visit our care and carers pages to see the other ways we can help older people.