A full meeting of Angus Council takes every six weeks. It makes key decisions such as approving the annual council budget and other matters which are not delegated to the standing committees. All elected members sit on the full council.
All papers relating to the Angus Council Committee from September 2014 are available on our agendas, reports and minutes from September 2014 pages. To request papers from before September 2014 use our online enquiry form.
For meeting dates visit our forthcoming council meetings page.
- Provost Linda Clark
- Depute Provost David Cheape
- Chris Beattie
- Julie Bell
- Brian Boyd
- Kenny Braes
- Serena Cowdy
- Jack Cruickshanks
- Lynne Devine
- Heather Doran
- Bill Duff
- Brenda Durno
- Craig Fotheringham
- Iain Gall
- Ross Greig
- Mark McDonald
- Ian McLaren
- George Meechan
- Lloyd Melville
- Gavin Nicol
- Louise Nicol
- Ronnie Proctor
- Jill Scott
- Martin Shepherd
- Lois Speed
- Tommy Stewart
- Derek Wann
- Beth Whiteside