It is important that you have a plan to ensure your business can continue to operate normally in the event of a crises or emergency such as a power cut, flooding, fire or staff shortage.
You can do this by preparing a business continuity plan.
Your plan should consider things like:
- how you would cope if your offices were flooded
- would you lose important work if you experienced a lengthy power cut
- what would happen if half of your workforce went down with 'flu over several weeks
- following any serious accident or disruption could your business be up and running quickly
- could you do your job and meet the needs of your clients and customers or would your business be seriously damaged
Having a robust business continuity plan containing all the information you need during and following an incident, such as contact details and action cards, will help you to respond and recover more effectively and efficiently.
This will ensure that your customers, your brand, reputation and key activities are maintained, as well as your long-term business survival.
A wide range of advice on business continuity is available, much of it free. The Ready Scotland website has lots of information on preparing your business for an emergency or crises.
You can also contact the council’s resilience team for information and advice via our contact centre on 03452 777 778 or email