Postal and proxy voting

Update: Friday 28 June

If you applied for a postal vote and haven’t received it yet, it should be delivered this weekend.

On Monday 1 July 2024, any residents who have still not received their postal vote for the Angus & Perthshire Glens Constituency or the Arbroath & Broughty Ferry Constituency should contact with subject header – “Replacement Ballot”

If you need a postal vote URGENTLY because you are going away before Monday 1 July 2024, will not be home in time to return your vote, and still haven’t received your voting pack today (28 June 2024), please email before 3pm and we will be in touch to arrange for you to collect one from our Forfar office today. Today is the first day we are legally able to reissue a postal vote.

Ballots are not counted until the Count following close of Poll on 4 July 2024, but our volunteers open outer envelopes and remove your personal identifier information before placing your vote in a sealed ballot box in preparation for the Count – getting them early helps.

Postal votes may be returned by hand to a polling station or to the Returning Officer at Angus House, Orchardbank, Forfar but rules on who can hand in postal votes in the UK Parliamentary elections have changed. You MUST now complete a form when you hand it in. If you leave a postal vote without completing the postal vote return form, it will be rejected.

The easiest way to guarantee your postal vote is counted is to pop it into the post using the pre-paid envelope as early as possible. 

The last day to apply for a new postal or postal proxy vote, or to change or cancel an existing postal or proxy vote for the UK Parliamentary elections is 5pm on Wednesday 19th June 2024.

The last day to apply for a new proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday 26th June 2024.

You and your appointed proxy must be registered individually to vote to apply.

If you intend to be away in the run up to the UK Parliamentary elections and cannot get to a polling station in person please contact the electoral registration officer who will be able to give you further guidance on the voting options available to you.

The first despatch of postal votes for the UK Parliamentary elections for both the Angus & Perthshire Glens and the Arbroath & Broughty Ferry constituencies is scheduled for Wednesday 19th June 2024. A further dispatch of postal votes is scheduled for Wednesday 26th June 2024.

Once you've received your postal pack, read the enclosed instructions, mark your vote on the ballot paper, complete the postal voting statement and put these in the envelopes provided making sure you send your completed pack back as soon as possible and by no later than 10pm on Thursday 4 July 2024. If it arrives later than this your vote will not be counted.

If you lose or spoil part of your postal pack after you receive it then you should call the election helpline 03452 777 778 straightaway for guidance on how to obtain a replacement. Do not destroy your original pack if it was spoilt as you will need to return all of this to us.

Handling Postal Votes

If you aren’t able to post your postal vote in time, you can take it to your polling station or hand it into the Returning Officer at Angus House, Orchardbank, Forfar, DD8 1AN.

The rules  in relation to handling postal votes have changed.  For more information on handling postal votes visit our Handling postal votes page.

You will be only able to hand in your own postal vote, and the postal votes of up to five other people. You will also be required to complete a Postal Vote Return Form when handing in your postal vote(s) to a polling station or the Returning Officer. Please do not hand over postal votes without completing this form or your postal vote(s) will be rejected.

Campaigners can only hand in their own postal vote, and postal votes for up to five other people that are either close relatives or someone they provide regular care for.