Angus Council Fostering and Adoption Service Rated 'Very Good' by Care Inspectorate

image of Angus Council's fostering and adoption logo which has in writting the words Angus Council fostering and adoption
Monday 17 June 2024

The Care Inspectorate has awarded our Fostering and Adoption Service a rating of 'Very Good’ in their latest inspection, saying “Children and young people received nurturing and meaningful care from their foster families” and “Children and young people were thriving in loving adoptive families”.

The fostering service recruits, trains and supports foster families to provide therapeutic care to children and young people from birth to 18 years and their families. This care can be interim, long term, permanent and short break foster experiences.

The report for the fostering service recognises:

  • Relationships were meaningful and affectionate between children and their foster carers.
  • Children have a strong sense of being part of their foster family.
  • Brother and sisters were placed together where possible, and where not, relationships and family time was well supported.
  • Foster carers experienced strong and positive relationships with their supervising social workers.
  • The Promise was embedded in practice with children and young people.
  • There were clear processes in place for supporting young people moving into continuing care with their foster families with positive outcomes.

The adoption service recruits and supports adoptive parents to provide families for children who cannot live with their birth family and need permanent care through adoption.

The report for the adoption services recognises:

  • Families were well supported by staff, who were highly skilled, knowledgeable and promoted a culture of learning and development.
  • High quality of life story work, including sensitive work with birth parents, helped children and young people have a strong sense of belonging.
  • Children and young people experienced compassionate care. Relationships were based upon love, trust and fun.
  • Post adoption support was responsive, individualised and flexible.

Interim Director Children, Families and Justice and Chief Social Work Officer Kirsty Lee said:

“We are delighted to receive the 'Very Good' rating from the recent Care Inspectorate inspection. It is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our fostering and adoption teams, as well as the invaluable contributions of foster carers and adoptive families.

“It reflects the dedication and passion that goes into making sure  every child in Angus who can’t live with their own family receives the best possible care, and shows that we’re keeping The Promise.

“We will continue to build on this and strive for excellence in all that we do, but we could not do it without the amazing foster carers who change young peoples’ lives for the better every day.

“I’d encourage anyone interested in becoming a foster carer or adopting to reach out and learn more about the opportunities available. There is always a need for more caring individuals and families to join our fostering and adoption community.”

For more information, visit our fostering and adoption website or give the team a call on 01241 464646.