Flag Raising Ceremony to Launch Armed Forces Day: Support of Our Armed Forces

graphic of union flag with text below it Armed Forces Day
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Angus Council is hosting a flag raising ceremony at The Cross in Forfar on Monday 24 June 2024.

The Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet, Cameron Mullet, will raise the official Armed Forces Day flag at 10.30am and it will fly throughout the week as we head towards Armed Forces Day on Saturday 29 June.

Provost Brian Boyd will be joined by representatives of the Forfar Royal British Legion and other invited guests, including the Council’s Veteran’s Champion and former Provost Ronnie Proctor.

People are invited to join them for what is a chance to celebrate our Armed Forces Community, from current troops to service families, veterans and cadets.

Provost Boyd said: 

“Next week and Armed Force Day itself provides us all with an opportunity to say thank you to our Armed Forces Community for their hard work and commitment. This annual public show of support is undoubtedly an important morale booster for them all.

"Please take time to show your support for our armed services."

For more information please visit the Armed Forces Day website.