We have officers who can help communities with the regeneration of their area.
They are:
- Mhairi Dickson: dicksonm@angus.gov.uk
- Sandra Livingston: livingstons@angus.gov.uk or call 07879 110424
- Hong Zhang: zhangh@angus.gov.uk or call 07557 865246
- Jennifer Anderson: Andersonj1@angus.gov.uk
or email commengagement@angus.gov.uk
What we offer
The type of support we can offer includes:
- helping communities communicate with the council and its partners
- enabling communities to respond to consultations and engagement exercises
- bringing together local groups to plan for change
- supporting groups to take over council assets through community ownership
How we can help
We can help communities achieve their aims and aspirations by helping them to:
- develop constitutions and policies/community-support/get-support-your-community
- develop their skills and knowledge
- organise events
- make funding applications
Who we help
Some of the organisations and community groups that we currently support include:
- development groups
- community councils
- community ownership groups
- community interest groups