Our political decision making operates through a committee structure:
- Angus Council
- Civic Licensing
- Communities
- Development Management Review
- Development Standards
- Family, Education and Justice
- Housing
- Policy and Resources
- Scrutiny and Audit
Our committees and full council meet once every six weeks, with a break during the summer. Our timetable of meetings gives more information.
Committee meetings are held in Town and County Hall. These are hybrid meetings and elected members can also join remotely. A live-stream of the meeting is available on YouTube and can be accessed via the forthcoming meetings page.
Most council meetings are open to the public and press. Occasionally, meetings will sit in private for legal reasons or reasons of confidentiality.
The meeting will deal with the items of business as they appear on the agenda. If all the councillors do not agree, a vote will be taken to decide the matter.
The official record of council meetings is contained in the minutes. This is not a word-for-word record but sets out decisions for legal and other purposes.
Councillor attendance is available to view online.
Attending or speaking at a committee or council meeting
Council meetings are currently being live-streamed on YouTube.
To view visit the Angus Council Live channel.
The public and press are welcome to attend committee and council meetings.
There are seats at the back of the council chamber for the public.
Occasionally, we may have to sit in private for legal or confidentiality reasons. The committee papers will indicate if an item is to be taken in private.
You have the opportunity to address any of our committee or full council meetings except the Development Management Review Committee. If you wish to address the Development Standards Committee on a planning matter you will be advised by the Clerk of the procedure for this.
This allows the councillors to hear the views of people who may be affected by a decision they are about to take.
If you want to speak at a meeting you should email by 5pm on the working day before the meeting.
Please state what subject you want to speak about and what you want us or the committee to do.
Your request will be put to the members of the council or committee at the beginning of the meeting.
Your deputation should be no more than 10 people.
Up to two people can speak at the meeting for up to 10 minutes and this can be followed by questions from councillors.
If the subject relates to an item of business on the agenda for the meeting, no debate or discussion is allowed to take place among the councillors until the item is reached on the agenda.