'Listing' is a way of protecting buildings of special historic or architectural interest. Listing applies to the whole building or structure. This includes the interior, exterior and any object or structure fixed to it.
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) compile and maintain the list. Anyone can propose a building for listing, request a review of an existing listing, or ask for a building to be delisted.
HES decide whether a building should be listed using set listing criteria which consider architectural interest (design and setting) and historic interest (age and rarity, social historical interest, and association with people or events of national importance).
Buildings are put into one of three listing categories. The category does not affect the level of protection given to the structure and in each case appropriate repairs should still follow good traditional building practices.
Category A
Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are outstanding examples of a particular period, style or building type.
Category B
Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are major examples of a particular period, style or building type.
Category C
Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are representative examples of a period, style or building type.
Curtilage listing
We will decide if the listing also covers other structures at the address. This is known as ‘curtilage’ listing. For example, the listing of a country house might include boundary walls, gates and additional buildings. You need our consent to make alterations to these structures.
Listed buildings in Angus
There are over 2100 listed buildings in Angus. Approximately 81 are Category A. 978 are Category B. 1043 are Category C.
These range from castles to cottages, churches to cattle courts, lighthouses, industrial buildings, boundary walls, sundial and signposts. These collectively and individually make a significant contribution to the character and appeal of Angus, supporting local economies and adding to the attractiveness to visitors.
Is your property listed?
Find listed properties using Pastmap or the Historic Environment Portal.
Proposals affecting listed buildings
We determine whether the changes you propose will affect the character of the listed building, in which case you need listed building consent. This can include, but is not limited to, stone cleaning, painting or changes to the interior. Listed building consent is also required for substantial or total demolition of a listed building and appropriate justification must be provided.
In some cases we are required to consult Historic Environment Scotland.
It is a criminal offence to materially alter, extend or demolish a listed building without listed building consent.
Proposals, including a change of use or alterations/ extension, may also require planning permission. Submit applications for planning permission and listed building consent at the same time. An application for listed building consent is free of charge.
View our approach on managing the built heritage of Angus.
Get pre-application advice before you carry out any work or contract anyone to do work for you to confirm whether listed building consent and/or planning permission are required or not. You may also need a Building Warrant.
ePlanning.scot has guidance notes and online application forms.
An application for listed building consent should include:
- a location plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger) which should show at least two named roads, the surrounding buildings and a north point. The properties shown should be numbered or named to make sure that the exact location of the application site is clear. The application site must be clearly outlined with a red line. It should include all land that is needed to carry out the proposed development, but should typically be defined as the full curtilage of the property to which the application relates. You must fill in the appropriate certificate of ownership for the site you show as the application site. A blue line must be drawn around any other land you own, close to or adjoining the application site
a block/site plan should be produced to a scale of either 1:200 or 1:500
drawings of existing and proposed building plans, elevations, and cross sections must show your proposals to scale of 1:50 or 1:100. Use colours to differentiate between demolition work/down takings, alterations, new work etc. so that your proposals are clear
drawings of existing and proposed architectural details, windows, doors, and chimneys etc. must show your proposals to scale of 1:10 with cross section details as appropriate. Use colours to differentiate between demolition work/down takings, alterations, new work etc. so that your proposals are clear
detailed specification of existing and proposed materials and finishes, both inside and outside the property, as appropriate. This should include a full specification and work methods for detailed work, such as stonework, lime pointing and rendering, lead work, work to windows, work to the roof and so on. Describe the type, colour and name of all materials you want to use
clearly titled photographs showing the site, its context and the areas of proposed change
all plans must be to an appropriate metric scale and should include a scale bar. Any dimensions should be given in metres (millimetres for finer detail)
a Design and Access Statement (as appropriate)
Applications for demolition
You should provide justification to support the application covering the following which address the tests of demolition set out in legislation:
if you believe the building is not of sufficient interest to be listed, you should provide a statement outlining the evidence to support this and consider making an application to Historic Environment Scotland proposing delisting of the property before submitting a listed building consent application
if you believe the building cannot be repaired, you should provide a detailed survey highlighting the issue (or issues) which cannot be repaired
if you believe that the building could be repaired but that this is not economically possible to achieve, you should provide a detailed survey together with a priced schedule of work for repairing the building and evidence of the value of the building once repaired. Also, it will normally be important to show that the building has been marketed for a reasonable period, normally not less than six months
if you believe that once the site is redeveloped it will offer significant community benefits, you should provide a statement explaining these benefits and how they cannot be achieved if the building is kept
Replacement work or scheme of redevelopment
If you need to apply for planning permission for proposed replacement work or a scheme of redevelopment, you should normally apply for this at the same time as applying for listed building consent so both applications can be considered together.
We may ask you to provide supplementary information such as:
- building condition survey. This will detail the overall condition of the building, as well as the areas in poorest condition.
conservation plan. This should contain a level of information proportionate to the scale of the project.
detailed cost plans, particularly in relation to applications for demolition and enabling development.