View or comment on a planning application

View planning applications 


View planning applications, including weekly and monthly lists, using Public Access.

You can register on Public Access to get alerts of planning applications in your area.

You can also register with Tell Me Scotland to get email or text alerts of some planning applications in your area.


We notify neighbours about planning applications within 20 metres of their property.

There are some applications where notification is not undertaken, such as works to listed buildings or signage.

Local Press

Some planning applications are advertised in the local press. These include:

  • development affecting listed buildings or conservation areas
  • specific types of development such as pubs and hot food takeaway shops

Comment on planning applications

Comment on planning applications, either in support or opposition, using Public Access. Be aware that any comments you submit will be made public and will be published on our Public Access system.

Before submitting a comment, read our Privacy Statement.

Valid representations

Comments on planning applications are also referred to as representations. When making a representation, please set out your reasons. It is not enough to simply state that you object to or support the proposal.

You can get advice from private planning consultants or from PAS (Planning Aid Scotland). Planning Aid Scotland is an educational charity that offers a free, impartial and confidential Advice Service to help with planning issues, whether about your own home or wider planning issues in your community. Their Advice Service supports members of the public, community groups and business start-ups through its network of specialist planners, volunteers and staff.

Some points which may be considered to form a valid planning representation include:

  • compliance or non-compliance with the development plan or national guidance 
  • impact on adjacent property and the local area 
  • noise, nuisance and smell 
  • privacy and amenity
  • visual appearance and compatibility
  • impact on traffic movements
  • road safety and access
  • parking issues
  • effect on pedestrians and cyclists

Some points which are not considered to form a valid planning representation include:

  • issues covered by other legislation such as licensing, building standards, health and safety 
  • private property rights such as boundary or access disputes 
  • the developer’s motives, record or reputation 
  • perceived impact on property values
  • competition between businesses 
  • the impact on a private view over someone else’s land 
  • inconvenience caused by construction works
  • moral issues, such as an amusement arcade which might attract children

What happens next

If you submit a representation we will send you an acknowledgement with information on the process for determination of the planning application.


The neighbour notification letter, public advert and Public Access will give a date by which representations should be received.

In some cases the period for making a representation can be extended. If you have missed the time limit, contact us using our enquiries form.