Self-build Housing Register

What is self-build and custom-build housing?

Self-build and custom-build housing is where a person commissions or (whether acting alone of with other individuals) is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence once built.

Self-build housing can include the following:

  • self-build housing - where a person builds their own house or appoints their own builder.
  • custom-build housing - where a person tasks a house builder to tailor a home to their preferences before it is built.
  • collective self-build - where a group get together to build their homes. This provides the opportunity for friends and people, to work together – sharing costs and building relationships as they build their houses.
  • co-housing - an intentional, mutually-supportive community with shared communal space. It involves people coming together to build a neighbourhood that embodies particular values.
  • self-provided housing - includes self-build housing, custom-build housing and collective build housing.

The opportunity to personally build or commission a new build house can be very rewarding in terms of choosing the way your new house looks and suits your needs now and in the future. As a result, the council and Scottish Government are keen to encourage greater self-build opportunities across Angus.

The Self-build Housing Register

The Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (Section 16E) requires planning authorities to prepare and maintain a list of people interested in acquiring land in the authority’s area for self-build housing. If you are interested in registering your interest in self-build housing, please complete the register here.

Register your interest in self-build housing

How we will use your information from the register

By signing up, you will help us find out more about the demand for self-build housing across Angus, including the type of house and locations where people would like to build a self-build home in the area.

We will use the information to develop planning policy as part of the next Angus Local Development Plan in relation to the delivery of self-build housing in the future.

Please note that registering your details does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be made available or that you will get planning permission.

Further information

Requests for further information on self-build housing, the Self-build Register and general enquiries should be submitted by email to: