Buying additional ELC

From August 2025, parents and carers can buy additional early learning and childcare (ELC) from either Carnoustie or Forfar or Monifieth Early Learning and Childcare Centres (ELCCs).

These additional hours of ELC are not part of the 1140 hours entitlement and as such are subject to availability within the setting.

Who can apply

The additional ELC can only be bought from the setting your child attends, which must be either Carnoustie ELCC or Forfar ELCC or Monifieth ELCC.

The additional ELC:

  • can be purchased as five hour sessions at a cost of £30 per session for children attending ELC Model 3 (Carnoustie, Forfar and Monifieth)
  • can be purchased as individual hours at a cost of £6.50 per hour for children attending ELC Model 1 (Carnoustie and Forfar only)
  • can be accessed between the hours of 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday
  • fees are paid monthly in advance
  • sessions or hours can be changed. A minimum of four weeks’ written notice is required
  • is non-refundable. This means if your child is unable to attend for any reason, a refund will not be given
  • can be cancelled. A minimum of four weeks’ written notice is required

When to apply

Applications for additional ELC should be submitted before the start of a term (August, January and April).

We also understand that family needs change and applications can be submitted between these dates if required. In these instances and subject to availability, the additional ELC will start at the beginning of the next month.

We will always try to meet your preference, but additional sessions and individual hours are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

We cannot guarantee that you will receive any or all of your requested sessions but once you have been allocated confirmed sessions, these will be reserved for you for the rest of the year.

If your child attends ELC Model 1 (6 hours per day up to 190 days) at either Carnoustie ELCC or Forfar ELCC and you are interested in additional ELC during the holiday periods when the ELCC is open (ELC Model 3 Calendar) it may be possible to buy five hour sessions, from either 8am to 1pm or 1pm to 6pm subject to availability (you could also buy 10 hours from 8am to 6pm if required). Please speak to your setting’s manager if this is of interest to you.

How to apply

Request to buy additional ELC for your child by completing this form.

Apply to buy additional ELC

For more information about purchasing additional ELC, email