You can apply to hire facilities in one of our schools or other educational premises.
Once you've submitted a booking form our school lets team will review your booking and confirm the final costs.
We'll then send you a link to make a secure online payment.
14 days’ notice is required for all bookings. Please take this into account when making payment.
The 14 days will start from the date the booking is paid and secured.
Once we've received your payment we'll send you another email to confirm your booking.
Booking form
School facilities booking form
If you need to cancel your booking let us know as soon as you can by emailing This means we can offer the accommodation to other users, and supply your refund.
Refunds are paid by BACS payment. In the event of a refund we will ask for your sort code, account number, contact number, email and the name of the account holder.
We only use the email account to ask for this information. Any other communication requesting this information from another email address should be deleted and ignored.
If you have any questions, email us at
Further information
- guidelines for users
- Protection of Children Scotland Act 2003 - details of compliance form
- fire safety - letting procedures guidelines
- pool users safety code
Table A - standard rate charge per hour (from August 2023)
These rates are set for groups taking place in premises which have a janitor. Groups include:
- aerobic/keep-fit classes
- dance classes
- discos
- WRI groups
Category 1 classroom, staffroom, lounge £ | Category 2 hall, gym £ | Category 3 sports field (no changing facilities) £ | Category 4 sports field (incl changing facilities) £ | Category 5 games hall £ | Category 6 swimming pool £ | |
Mon/Fri | 23 | 39 | 31 | 54 | 69.50 | 90.50 |
Saturday | 39 | 61 | 48 | 61 | 78 | 116.50 |
Sunday | 48 | 78 | 61 | 78 | 99 | 130.50 |
Table B ‒ community block booking charges per hour per occasion
This category is designed to allow any bona fide youth or community group who are not profit-making to plan regular bookings for a complete school year (based on a minimum of 10 consecutive meetings to a maximum of 40 meetings per year).
These groups include:
- art and craft workshops
- athletic clubs
- badminton clubs
- Boys Brigade
- Brownies
- camera clubs
- Cubs
- football clubs
- Guides
- martial arts clubs
- netball/basketball coaching
- non-commercial theatre clubs
- recognised adult/further education classes
- Scouts
- skater/hockey Clubs
- staff recreation clubs
- former pupil sports clubs
- swimming clubs
- tennis clubs
- toddler groups
- youth clubs with education links
Senior citizens will be charged 20% of the concessionary rate.
Category 1 classroom, staffroom, lounge £ | Category 2 hall, gym £ | Category 3 sports field (no changing facilities) £ | Category 4 sports field (incl changing facilities) £ | Category 5 games hall £ | Category 6 swimming pool £ | |
Concession* | 7.50 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 11.50 | 11.50 |
Adults | 11 | 12 | 12 | 19 | 22 | 22 |
*Concession = up to 16 years of age
If groups need to book more than two units of accommodation they should call our contact centre on 03452 777 778 to discuss a suitable charge.
Groups granted a community block booking let can book additional meetings subject to the availability of accommodation and at the discretion of the Schools and Learning Team.
Unemployed adults and student groups will be charged the rates applied to the concession age group.
Playgroups/mother and toddler groups
These groups will be charged £4.20 per week. There will be no charge for playgroups in partnership with Angus Council.
Profit-making groups
When a group does not meet the criteria to qualify for a Community Block Booking rate (i.e income of £3000 or more per annum) Table A rates will apply.
If all participants within the group are under 16 years of age a 50% reduction on Table A will be charged.
Extracurricular activities and fundraising
School lets will remain free of charge for schools until 10pm Mon-Fri and until 6pm hours on a Saturday. Lets outwith these times will be charged at Table A Category 1.
Additional notes
School premises are normally available during the school term and will not be available during school holidays (including public holidays). Facilities will not be available during examination periods.
Groups should ensure premises are vacated by the end of the let period. Lessees should allow enough time for putting away equipment, changing and so on.
Individual groups qualifying for block booking rates may find it more economical to apply for standard rate charges depending on their particular circumstances. Help will be provided by the school lets team.
Free category
A large number of users of educational premises enjoy free use of the facilities.
Priority is given to these users on the basis of 1) Schools, 2) Community Learning & Development Service, 3) Adult Education Associations. These user groups include:
- the school (all school activities, business meetings and school fund-raising activities, Parent Councils, Parent/Teacher Associations
- any group, vouched for by the Head Teacher, who organise a social event/fundraising event for the benefit of the school
- community Learning and Development Service Activities
- councillors holding surgeries
- regular monthly meetings of Community Councils
- organisations for people with disabilities
In addition, several activities are promoted by the Community Learning and Development Service at no cost to the users. These activities include:
- training with an educational focus for voluntary organisations including Scottish Pre-School Play Association and the Angus Association of Youth Clubs
- Community For All/Liaison meetings
- Adult Basic Education
- classes for English as a second language
- supported issue-based groups
- Youth Work/Consultation/Development meetings
- Partnership meetings/Groups