Making a placing request

In accordance with the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, Section 28A, you have the right to make a placing request for your child to attend another school. We have a duty to accept placing requests wherever possible, with the exceptions to this duty set out in law.

When to make a request

You should make a request between mid December and the end of January for your child to start attending the school of your choice the following August. Placing requests for August starts will not be accepted before this time.

We will consider requests made after the end of January but places may no longer be available.

If you make a request for an August start by 15 March, a decision will be made by 30 April.

If you make a request for an August start after 15 March or if you request to move your child to another school during the current school year we will make a decision within 60 days.

Additional support needs

If your child has additional support needs, you have the right, in accordance with the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2004, Schedule 2, to make a placing request for your child to attend another school. We have a duty to accept placing requests wherever possible, with the exceptions to this duty set out in paragraph 3 of the Schedule.

Information is available on our website about how we support children and young people with additional support needs. Details can be provided on request of special schools, not under the management of Angus Council, which it is the practice to place children and young people in some circumstances.

How to make a request

To apply for your child to attend a school in Angus other than their catchment area school you should contact the school to arrange a meeting with the head teacher* and complete a placing request form.

If you require support to complete the digital form, please contact your prospective school.

School enrolments and placing requests

* If you are applying for an August P1 or S1 start you do not need to contact the head teacher.

Refused requests

It may not be possible to grant all requests. The circumstances in which we may refuse a request can be found in the Choosing a school guide published by the Scottish Government.

One of the most common reasons why a placing request has to be refused is when there are not enough places available in the school. In such cases, applications for admission to the school are prioritised on the following basis:

  • Entitlement: Children whose home address is within the school’s delineated area
  • Priority 1: Children whose address is outwith the delineated area but who have a brother or sister, residing at the same address, already attending the school. (This can sometimes include another relative who lives permanently at the same address)
  • Priority 2: Children whose home address is outwith the school’s delineated area and who do not have a brother or sister already attending the school

If the number of spaces available in a school means that within any one category only some placing requests have to be refused, applications from children whose address is within Angus will receive first priority. After that, priority is decided by the single factor of distance from home to school. This means that children who live nearest to the requested school will be given priority.

If we refuse your request you can appeal in writing within 28 days of receiving the decision.

Our legal and democratic team will form an appeals hearing panel.

They will invite you to an appeal hearing. The panel will consider your appeal and write to inform you of its decision.

If the panel refuses your request, you have the right of further appeal to the Sheriff.

Successful requests and transport

If your request is successful you must arrange transport to and from school.

Moving out of your catchment area

If you move home to outwith your catchment area your child may remain at their present school. However, you will be fully responsible for the arrangement and cost of transporting your child to and from school.

Attending a primary school does not give any priority for a secondary school place unless it is your child’s catchment secondary school.

More information

Find out more on the Scottish Government website.

Contact information

If you require further advice regarding school enrolments and placing requests please contact:

Education and Lifelong Learning - Support Services
Angus House
Orchardbank Business Park

Tel: 03452 777 778 (our contact centre)