Crisis grants and community care grants


Apply for a crisis grant or community care grant

There are two grants available from the Scottish Welfare Fund. They are for one-off needs not ongoing expenses. They do not have to be paid back.

Crisis Grant

A Crisis Grant can be given to cover the costs of an emergency.

Some examples include:

  • if there's been a fire or flood at home
  • you're a victim of any type of domestic abuse and you need help with things like moving away from an abuser
  • you're a grandparent or other relative who has taken over caring for a child, and you're waiting on a transfer of benefits
  • you're facing a gap in your normal income because of a redundancy or change at work

Community Care Grant

A Community Care Grant can be given to help with the costs of:

  • settling into life outside care
  • giving you help if you need support to stay out of care
  • caring for someone on release from prison or a detention centre

You can also apply for a community care grant if you're a family who are facing a problem at home, like:

  • settling into a new home after you've been in a temporary home
  • you need to move because of a problem like domestic abuse
  • a child's health is at risk

Who can apply

To apply for either grant you must be:

  • aged 16 or over
  • in receipt of a state benefit such as Universal Credit or have a low income or don’t have access to your money

You will not qualify for either grant if you:

  • have other money that you can use for the things you need
  • have applied for a Crisis Grant or Community Care Grant for the same items within the last 28 days and your circumstances have not changed

You will not qualify for a Crisis Grant if you:

  • have had three grants awarded to you in the last 12 months and your circumstances haven't changed

You will not qualify for a Community Care Grant if you:

  • have savings of £700 or more and are under pension age
  • have savings of £1200 or more and are over pension age
  • are not leaving care within eight weeks or have not been in care for three months or more

A Crisis Grant/Community Care Grant cannot be awarded for items such as:

  • court fees
  • items for education
  • work related expenses
  • debt interest
  • rent in advance


Apply for a crisis or community care grant

You can also apply for a grant by calling our contact centre on  03452 777 778.


We aim to respond to Crisis Grants within 24 hours, and Community Care grants within 15 working days. Please only request an update once these timescales have passed.

Support and advice

Our Welfare Rights team offers support and advice on money and debt issues. Contact us to ensure you are receiving all the benefits you're entitled to.

If you receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit and are struggling to pay your rent, you can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment. You can also apply for a Budgeting Loan from the Department of Work and Pensions.


Payments will go directly into your bank account or you may receive goods or vouchers.

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