Angus Place Prosperity Programme

Place-Based Investment Programme (PBIP) 2024-25

Information on the fund and how to express your interest


Guidance for applicants

Angus Council is looking to align place-based investments in our main towns of Angus to streamline delivery and increase impact. We are looking for transformational projects ready to be delivered for this year's fund, with contracts in place or works started for March 2025.

This funding is part of a five-year fund, and we would welcome any future ideas for transformational projects. Vibrant Communities Officers will be available to discuss potential project ideas for future years and will also be able to look at other funding sources.

They will be able to work with groups to reach the delivery stage for future applications. This guidance document lays out the criteria and the intention of the fund.

The Place Principle, which underpins this approach, was adopted by Scottish Government and COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) as a basis for collaborative working to ensure that future local investment is relevant to local communities for the benefit of local people, bringing relevant services, enterprises, and communities together makes our towns, villages, and neighbourhoods more viable.

This pages are intended to help applicants prepare and submit their applications to the Angus Council’s Place-Based Investment Programme (PBIP).

How much can be applied for?

This fund is available for transformational projects that will make a difference and align with local plans. This fund is limited this year therefore we are interested to understand if projects can be phased. Large funding bids may not be funded.

Applications should be for projects over £50,000. All funding awarded must be committed by 31 March 2025.

What does the funding cover?

The PBIP is a capital fund, and only capital expenditure will be applicable.

Eligible costs can be up to 100% depending on circumstance. However, external match funding is preferred and would allow the project to score higher when assessed. The grant can cover:

  • costs from works such as contractor’s invoices and materials
  • professional fees are eligible if directly linked to the capital project being funded:
    • architect
    • surveyor
    • structural engineer and agent fees
    • project management fees
  • statutory consent fees, i.e. for planning permission, advertisement consent, listed building consent and building warrant fees (please note that fees are only funding eligible where these are linked to the capital works, i.e. fees are not an eligible cost in isolation)

What does the funding not cover?

The funding does not cover:

  • administration costs of the organisation applying
  • feasibility studies
  • retrospective work (please do not start your project until you receive confirmation that you have been successful)
  • revenue costs
  • works already planned within the capital programme for public sector bodies

Who can apply?

Applications will be invited from community groups and public sector organisations, including charities. Although council services based in Angus can apply it must link to community-led or community-supported projects.

The applicant must be able to demonstrate support for their initiative by people in the local area. Applicant organisations should have a bank account and should be constituted organisations with a nominated signatory for proceeding with funding awards.

Expressions of interest

The stage is now complete and online applications are open.

What type of projects will be funded?

We would like to hear from all parties that have aspirations, project ideas and projects ready to be delivered that fit the criteria above. Examples of projects that could be applied are:

  • purchase and redevelopment of town centre assets
  • public realm/civic pride
  • town centre capital initiatives
  • capital projects that show outcomes of tackling inequality and improving child poverty
  • projects that contribute to net-zero targets
  • projects that encourage connectivity
  • projects that increase skills, jobs or the local economy

The main Objectives of the PBIP fund are:

  • to link and align place-based initiatives and establish a coherent local framework to implement the Place Principle;
  • to support place policy ambitions such as town centre revitalisation, community-led regeneration, 20-minute neighbourhoods and community wealth building;
  • to ensure that all place-based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities;
  • to accelerate ambitions for net-zero well-being and inclusive economic development, tackling inequality and disadvantage, including child poverty, community involvement and ownership.

Eligible projects must focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • Local resilience: creating, in communities, relevant choices for better futures, with the capacity to continue to influence, adapt and benefit from these as things change.
  • Inclusive growth: growing the right environment for local economic resilience, tackling inequality, creating opportunities for all, and distributing the benefits fairly.
  • Low carbon: contributing towards a net-zero carbon Scotland and responding locally to the climate change emergency.
  • Community Wealth: reshaping local relationships and infrastructures to ensure local well-being and benefits flow from commercial, public, and social economies.

When can we apply for funding, and when will a decision be made?

Expressions of interest have been assessed, projects that met the objectives and criteria of the fund and that can be delivered within the specified timescales have now been invited to submit an online application with a closing date of 11 July 2024.

Invitation to application stage

If successful from the expression of interest stage, you will receive an online access link to apply to the fund.

At this stage, additional information will be requested:

  • The constitution that your group has adopted. Your group must have this document to get a grant from us.
  • A document giving us proof of your group’s bank or building society account. This account must be in the name of your group/hall, and at least two people must sign each cheque or withdrawal. These people should not be related.

This document could be:

  • a copy of your most recent bank statement in the name of your group
  • a copy of your building society passbook, with the pages showing your group’s name, account number and current balance (this must have an original stamp and signature from your building society); or
  • if you’re a new group with a new account, a signed letter from your bank or building society on their headed paper. This letter must show your account name, number and sort code.
  • Two quotes for any work to be carried out or items to be purchased

Assessing your application

Your application will be checked, and further information will be requested if required.

The application will be assessed on the following set of criteria.

CriteriaMaximum Score
Deliverability within the timescales   set15
Place-based evidence of need10
Carbon reduction5

What happens once we make a decision

Once assessed, recommendations will be presented to a sub-committee of Policy and Resources for final decision. If your application is successful, you will be informed, and an agreement will be sent for signing. Projects can start as soon as funding is agreed.

How and when do we receive the funding?

Payment is made retrospectively i.e. you must incur costs and claim the monies back. Applicants will be required to fill out a claim form and provide evidence of eligible expenditure incurred or pending by way of third-party invoices (including pro-forma invoices) for the costs to deliver the project. Copies of the applicant’s bank statement will be required to confirm the payment of the invoice before the grant payment is made to the applicant.

Reporting and Evaluation

Angus Council is required to provide progress and evaluative reports to the Scottish Government in September 2024 and March 2025, covering all the PBIP projects. As a condition of the fund, applicants will be required to provide reports using a monitoring and evaluation form.  

What if I am unsuccessful with my expression of interest?

Vibrant Communities Officers will contact all project leads that have registered an interest and will work alongside groups to develop projects for future rounds or for other funding options.

Contact us

Please email if you require any support and you will be directed to the most suitable member of staff.