Housing for individuals and families from Ukraine


Help with deposits

You could get help with a deposit.

Discretionary housing payment

If you are entitled to help with housing costs through Universal Credit or Housing Benefit, you can apply for a Discretionary housing payment.

Check if you are eligible using our benefit calculator.

Angus Rent Deposit Scheme (RDS)

The RDS helps people who urgently need housing move into private rented accommodation. We pay a cash deposit to your landlord on your behalf, and you make a savings plan to repay the money back to us.

Who can apply

We consider applications from people in work or in receipt of benefits. Acceptance on to the scheme is subject to affordability checks and tenancy referencing (tenancy history, rent arrears). We need to be satisfied that you could afford to repay the deposit value over an agreed period.

To be eligible you must:

  • be aged over 16
  • have no or low support needs
  • have a local connection to Angus
  • be in housing need
  • be working with the Community Housing Teams to explore their housing options

How to apply

If you think you meet the above criteria either:

  • contact your local area housing office and ask to be referred for an appointment with the private sector officers to discuss your housing situation or
  • email them on PRSenquiries@angus.gov.uk

It is very important that you do not sign a tenancy agreement or move into a property until we have decided on your suitability for the scheme.

Finding a property

It is your responsibility to find a suitable property to rent and a landlord willing to take part in the scheme.

However, our private sector officers can help you find suitable properties. The property must be in Angus and suitable for your needs. If we consider the property unsuitable or the rent unaffordable or too high, you will not be allowed to use the scheme.

Once you have found a property

First, tell the landlord that you intend to use the Rent Deposit Scheme. Make sure they accept this.

If they do, we will ask for the:

  • property address
  • landlord details (name, landlord registration number, bank details)
  • rent amount
  • deposit amount
  • your details, including bank account details

We will only consider properties managed by a registered landlord or agent.

Check the landlord or property is registered by visiting Landlord Registration Scotland

Legal agreements

Once all parties are in agreement, a private sector officer will ask you and the landlord to sign legal agreements outlining your and their responsibilities. We can email these agreements to you and the landlord.

The legal agreements must be fully completed, signed and returned to the council.

After that the deposit monies will be released.


A private sector officer will help you create a suitable and affordable repayment plan.

Repayment takes place over a term that suits your needs. This is normally 12 to 24 months depending on your income. Repayments are usually monthly. For example, you could repay a £400 deposit at £25 a month over 16 months.

Once a repayment plan has been agreed you must notify your bank and set up the facility. Check the repayments go to the correct account. The private sector officer can help you with this.

If you need help with the Angus Council Housing Services Rent Deposit Scheme call our contact centre on 03452 777 778.

Next: Renting from Angus Council or our housing partners