Clothes recycling points

You can dispose of clothes, other textiles and, where indicated, shoes in the following locations.

For alternative methods of recycling clothes and shoes see What to do with...?

LocationItems accepted
AuchterhouseAuchterhouse Parktextiles
ArbroathArbirlot Road, Timmergreens Shopping Centretextiles
Cairnie Street, Tesco car parktextiles / shoes
Westway Retail Park, Asda car-parktextiles
BrechinTrinity Road, Co-op car parktextiles
CarnoustieBarry Road, Craws Nest car parktextiles
ForfarSt James's Road, Asda car-parktextiles
Brechin Road, Tesco car parktextiles
GlamisGlamis village car parktextiles
MonifiethTesco Car Park, High Streettextiles / shoes
MontroseWestern Road, Tesco car parktextiles / shoes