A-Z of services
- abandoned vehicles
- access forum
- ACCESS offices
- access rights
- accommodation for young people leaving care
- Active Schools
- adaptations
- addictions
- Adopt-A-Street scheme
- adoption
- adult education
- after school clubs
- air quality
- alarms
- alcohol and drug recovery service
- alcohol licences
- allotments
- Alzheimer's
- Angus core paths plan
- Angus Council Charitable Trust
- Angus Educational Trust
- Angus HomeFinder
- Angus House
- Angus housing land audit
- Angus Local Access Forum
- ANGUSalive
- animal boarding establishment licence
- animal carcass
- animal welfare
- annual performance report
- antisocial behaviour
- apply for a service
- Arbroath (Brothock Water) Flood Prevention Scheme
- Arbroath Harbour
- Arbroath, A Place for Everyone
- Arbroath: Long-Term Plan for Towns Fund
- archaeological sites
- archives
- asbestos in council houses
- asbestos in private properties
- asset transfer
- assisted collections
- autism
- barking
- benefit calculator
- benefits
- bin collection changes
- bin collection days
- bin replacement
- bins
- biodiversity
- birth certificates
- birth registration
- blue badge
- bonfire smoke
- Bruce House
- budget
- budget planner
- building regulations and technical handbooks
- building standards
- building warrants
- buildings at risk
- bulky items uplift
- burials
- bus passes
- bus timetables
- business rates
- calibration service
- car parks
- caravan site licence
- care
- care homes
- cattery licence
- changes to bin collections
- Changing Places toilets
- charge points for electric vehicles
- charitable trusts
- child protection
- children with disabilities
- children's hearings
- civic hospitality
- civil partnership certificates
- civil partnerships
- CLD Plan
- Clean up Angus Campaign
- climate change
- clothes recycling points
- coaching, leadership and development opportunities
- coast protection
- collections of furniture and other bulky items
- comment on a planning application
- comments
- commercial waste and recycling
- committees and membership
- Common Good Funding
- common good properties
- community alarm
- community benefits: for suppliers
- community care
- community care grant
- community councils
- community funding
- community justice
- community laundry
- Community Learning and Development Plan
- community occupational therapy
- community ownership
- community payback
- Community plan 2022 to 2030
- community resilience fund
- community safety
- complaints
- concessionary travel
- conservation
- contact us
- contracts
- core paths plan
- cost of living crisis
- council and social housing
- council house repairs and alterations
- council land and property
- council meetings
- council offices
- Council Tax
- Council Tax banding and charges
- Council Tax bill
- Council Tax change of address
- Council Tax Reduction
- councillors
- councillors' expenses
- counterfeit goods
- countryside access
- crisis grant
- crowdfunding
- Curriculum for Excellence
- customer care
- data matching
- data protection
- day care for adults with learning disabilities
- dead animal removal
- death certificates
- death registration
- debt advice
- dementia
- disabled parking bays
- discretionary housing payment
- dog barking
- dog fouling
- dogs
- domestic abuse
- drinking water quality
- drinks licences
- driveways
- drug and alcohol recovery service
- drugs and alcohol misuse (schools)
- early closing days
- early learning and childcare
- education
- education maintenance allowance
- elderly people's care
- elections and voting
- electric vehicle charge points
- emergency accommodation
- emergency planning
- emergency school closures
- employment with Angus Council
- empty homes
- enrolling in primary schools
- equipment to help you at home
- European funding
- event planning
- eviction
- fair work
- family history
- fire safety advice
- firework control zones
- fireworks
- First Contact
- fixed penalty fine
- flooding
- floorspace survey
- flytipping
- food business hygiene information
- food business registration
- food poisoning
- food safety
- footpaths
- Forestry and Woodland Strategy
- fostering
- fraud against the council
- free school meals
- free school transport
- freedom of information (FOI/EIR)
- funding
- funding for community clean-ups and flytipping prevention
- funerals
- furniture and bulky items uplift
- health and safety inspections
- health and social care
- hedges
- help to live at home
- history
- holidays - public
- holidays - school
- home adaptations
- home contents insurance
- HomeFinder
- homelessness
- house exchange
- house numbering
- housing
- Housing Access Fund
- housing benefit
- housing land audit
- housing online
- Housing Online
- housing repairs
- LACER funding
- land and buildings transaction tax
- landlord registration
- laundry
- learning disabilities - day care for adults
- learning reviews
- leisure facilities
- libraries
- licences, permits and permissions
- licensing registers
- lifelong learning
- liquor licences
- listed buildings
- litter
- live chat
- local access forum
- local development plan
- Local Government Benchmarking Framework
- local history
- local housing allowance
- local landscape areas
- Lord-Lieutenant of Angus
- lottery (small society)
- parental involvement
- parking
- parking dispensation
- parking suspension
- parks
- participation request
- paths
- pavements
- pay your Council Tax
- pay your rent
- payments
- performance
- performance scorecards
- permits
- personal independence payment
- personal information
- personal licence
- pest control
- pest control and treatment
- phone number
- placing request
- planning and building
- planning permission and applications
- playparks
- policies, plans and strategies
- political make up of the council
- pollution: air
- premises licence
- primary school catchment areas
- primary schools
- private housing
- private landlord registration
- procurement
- Provost of Angus
- public entertainment licence
- public health funerals
- public holidays
- public rights of way
- public roads
- public toilets
- public transport
- pupil reports and assessment
- pupils' support
- recycling - commercial
- recycling centres
- refuse collection
- registering a birth, stillbirth, marriage, civil partnership or death
- religious and moral education
- rent
- rent payments
- repairing standard
- repairs
- repairs (housing)
- replacement bin
- report an issue
- request a service
- residential care
- rights of way
- River South Esk Catchment Partnership
- road construction consent
- roads
- roadworks and road closures
- Royal messages
- scaffolding permit
- scams
- Scheduled Ancient Monuments and archaeological sites
- scheme of assistance
- school catchment areas
- school closures
- school clothing grant
- school holidays
- school meals
- school roll projections
- school transport
- school transport updates
- school uniform
- schools and young people
- Scottish Welfare Fund
- seagulls
- second hand dealer's licence
- second homes
- secondary schools
- self-directed support
- sex education
- sheltered housing
- short-term lets
- small business bonus relief
- small society lottery licence
- social care and health
- social housing
- special uplifts of household items
- speed limits
- sport club promotion with Active Schools
- sports centres
- sports clubs for children
- stillbirth registration
- street naming
- street trader's licence
- suggestions
- Sustainable Angus
- swimming pools
- syringes - discarded