Week 40 of 103 (on site)
The works continue to make good progress and remain on programme. The period has seen significant progress at the Lordburn junction following successfully switching traffic management to a ‘no right turn’ on the northbound traffic which negates the need for temporary traffic signals. This has worked well and kept traffic flowing freely along the works. In order to further keep traffic flowing, at Guthrie Port roundabout we also successfully progressed works far enough to remove the temporary road closure on Guthrie Port East and revert to a temporary one-way system off the newly aligned roundabout on to Guthrie Port.
Section 1 (Tutties Neuk to Marina roundabout)
The new cycleway has made good progress and 50% of the subsoil/topsoil has been deposited to the new central reserve between the carriageway and cycleway taking advantage of the dry weather in the period. Inchcape junction has been reconfigured and footpaths reopened to the public. Traffic has been permanently switched over to the new configuration for the majority of this section with only the new tie in back to the existing carriageway as West Links to complete.
Section 2 (Marina roundabout to Lordburn)
Continues to make good progress with the road widening and kerbing well underway. At East Grimsby the paving has been completed to E&O Fishmongers footpath and the high quality sandstone paving has started adjacent to the East Grimsby car park. The new footpath also frames the increased footprint of the carpark which increases the number of available parking spaces.
Section 3 (Lordburn to Guthrie roundabout)
Removal of the redundant southbound carriageway has been completed. This has allowed the drainage and ducting works to get underway. At Lordburn junction the new access has been formed to Maule Street which has allowed the formation of the revised car park.
Section 4 (Guthrie Port roundabout)
The drainage and road crossings have been completed to the NE and SE quadrants. The kerbing has been sufficiently progressed in the period to enable the road closure to be lifted at Guthrie Port East and re open the temporary one-way system off the new roundabout for the Christmas period to help customers access to Guthrie Port businesses.