We've been making the following changes to our kerbside recycling service:
1. New blue bins for recycling paper, card and cardboard
Households now have two bins for recycling, with the grey bin for plastic bottles and containers, cans and cartons. For more information see What goes in your bins.
2. More glass recycling points
We've increased the number of glass recycling points from 23 to over 130.
We would encourage family and friends to help those who may be unable to bring their glass to a recycling point.
You can suggest a location for one of the new glass recycling points on the Engage Angus website.
Visit our page on glass recycling points to learn why we are changing the way we collect glass.
3. Expanded food waste collections
We extended food waste collections to around 4000 extra households.
When the changes took place
We made the changes in three phases, starting in June 2024. The final phase is taking place in Spring 2025. It covers Montrose, Brechin, Lunan, Maryton, Arbikie, Farnell, Careston, Menmuir, Glen Lethnot, Glen Esk, Edzell and Hillside, and surrounding areas.
We sent every household a leaflet with information about the changes, and a new bin collection calendar.
Checks on purple bins
The purple non-recyclable waste bin continues to be collected every two weeks.
We check the content of purple bins. If there are too many recyclable items in a purple bin, we will stick a tag on it. Where there are ongoing issues, tagged bins could be left unemptied until the recyclables are removed.
If your bin is tagged and you are struggling to recycle, you can contact us to discuss this.
If you are disabled or infirm we will take that into account.
BSL users can contact the council using Scotland's national BSL video interpreting relay service: Contact Scotland BSL.
If the weather permitted, we will have added a sticker to your grey bin with details of what to put in it, and to your purple bin advising no recyclables should go in this bin. If we couldn’t attach a sticker because of frost or rain, we will add it on another grey/ purple bin collection day.
If you want to collect and attach your own sticker, or pick up a leaflet, spares are available from Angus House, Forfar and Bruce House, Arbroath; any recycling centre, and libraries including mobile libraries.
Next: Your new blue bin