We are here to help you to become safe, secure and independent as you move on from care or start a new life in Angus.
This service, called Horizon, starts at around 15 and a half years of age up to 26 years old. It is for young people who have:
- been “looked after” on or after their 16th birthday
- been cared for away from home for period of over 13 weeks from the age of 14 years old
- come to Scotland unaccompanied as refugees or via the Homes for Ukraine scheme
We work with you to find out what you need in all areas of your life, and make sure that you are given the right support to help you make the change into being an independent adult.
We do this by carrying out a thorough assessment of your needs. This covers everything from advice and guidance to full support, including financial support and can cover health, relationships, housing, education, employment and so on. In fact, everything that you need to reach your goals in life.
National Transfer Scheme (NTS) and unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people
Horizon is responsible for the NTS, and we welcome young people who have fled conflict in their home country.
We work together with the Home Office to seek safe and secure accommodation for our young people who are mostly aged 16 and over and provide support in the same form as someone from the UK needing support after care.
We work with local partners and colleagues to provide a specialist service for you.
Homes for Ukraine Scheme
The Homes for Ukraine Scheme allows for unaccompanied young Ukrainians to travel to Scotland and live with host families with whom they already have some kind of connection.
Parents will have given permission for young people to travel and this has been agreed by both the UK and Ukrainian governments. We make sure that the host home is suitable (in the same way we would check private fostering or kinship homes) and then support the young person with their individual needs. These could include starting at local schools, meeting other Ukrainians, and making sure that the hosts have specialist information to meet their young people’s needs.
Groups we run
Teatime Group
We run a weekly group in Arbroath at teatime when we offer our young people a hot meal while they get to chat together and we are around to support them with any issues that they are currently having.
This helps our young people get to know others in similar situations, building their confidence and self-esteem, as well as receiving support if they need it in an informal setting.
Baby Group
This group is open to people from across all social work areas (not just the Horizon team) with babies under 18 months of age. We run groups for six months so that the group can get to know each other which builds confidence and self-esteem. It also gives the parents confidence and experience to help them join other community groups afterwards.
Football Group
We run a weekly football session in Arbroath, open to all who use our service. This helps our young people to practice their communication and language skills, build teamworking and increase their confidence while improving their physical and mental wellbeing – and having fun!
Our team has been incredibly successful too. In the last two years, we have attended three football tournaments, winning one and coming second in the other two.
To date we’ve had young people with 11 different nationalities be part of the team with football being the universal language!
Summer Programme
The Horizon team run activities over the summer holidays which are open to all our service.
Young people are asked what activities they would like to do and if we can, we do it!
In the last few years we have gone hillwalking, had day trips out of Angus, picnics, bowling, water sports and more. It’s a chance to speak and make friends with other young people facing similar challenges as well as having a fun day out and experiencing new things together.
Additional support
All of our young people will be entitled to access a Care Experienced Bursary at College and or University. Some young people will also be able to receive financial support such as a leaving care grant when they move on in their independent lives.
All our young people will also have priority when applying for their own tenancy with our housing colleagues.
We also have supported accommodation where can provide more intensive emotional and practical support at Millgate Loan.
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