Our Residential Service provides care placements for children in the Arbroath area in our two small group residential houses - Bramble Cottages.
The Angus Council Brambles Cottages consists of two cottages on the site of a former berry field. That’s why they are called Logan and Rowan as these are two native berries. Logan and Rowan Cottages share the same site in Arbroath but are run as separate houses. Both have two living areas, a kitchen/dining space and bedrooms with ensuites.
Rowan Cottage has rooms for up to four young people and Logan Cottage has room for up to five young people as this cottage includes an independent living flat which is currently used to help young people to build skills and experience before they move out to their own independent living.
Both cottages are for children and young people aged 5 -21 years. The Cottages each have a Team Leader, Senior Social Care Officers and Social Care Officers who provide a loving home for children and young people to feel safe, listened to and respected, keeping our Promise.
Strathmore Centre

We also provide residential short breaks to children and young people with additional needs in Strathmore Avenue, Forfar.
Residential care outwith Angus
We will work hard to keep our children and young people in Angus, but if this is not possible, we will make sure you continue to have time with your family and friends. However, due to a lack of placements, sometimes we do need to place children and young people outwith Angus.
We also provide residential short breaks to children and young people with additional needs in Strathmore Avenue. Ask your social worker for more information about a Self-Directed Support Assessment and if you are entitled to a budget.
Supported accommodation at Millgate Loan
Millgate Loan is made up of four flats, one training flat and three satellite flats where young people have greater responsibility and independence. There are staff members on site most of the time with emergency cover overnight although most support is offered Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am to 5pm.
Living at Millgate Loan gives young people intensive emotional and practical support including budgeting money, paying bills, reading the gas and electric meters, shopping, cooking, following recipes and so on. All the skills a young person needs to lead a happy and successful life as they move into adulthood.