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Who Justice Services are and what we do

Angus Justice Services have four teams. The teams are made up of Social Workers, Justice Assistants, Community Payback Supervisors and Wellbeing Practitioners.

The Glens

The Glens is our woman only justice service

The Munro Team

We supervise and support males aged 16 and over throughout the court process. You will be allocated a worker, and their role will be to get to know you, and the reasons which brought you into contact with our service. You will work together to look at what is going well for you and what support you may need to make things better.

Your worker will also have a responsibility to support you to comply with any orders/conditions imposed at court.

The Public Protection Team

We provide a statutory service to people aged 16 years and over who are subject to Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). This includes people who have been convicted of sexual offences and males convicted of high-risk violent offences. Due to the nature of offences, we often work with people who have been sentenced to custody and are subject to Licence Conditions as set out by the Parole Board for Scotland.

We also supervise people subject to Community Payback Orders with various requirements. We work closely with our colleagues in the Tay Project.

The Unpaid Work Team

Angus Justice Services has five community payback supervisors and we operate 7 days per week. An unpaid work team has a maximum of five service users on each team who are subject to either a Community Payback Order or a Fiscal Work Order. The teams carry out tasks across communities in Angus and can also offer individual work placements if assessed as necessary.

How we will work with you

Our work includes office-based meetings, home visits, community outreach and group work.

We work towards positive outcomes for you, whilst considering the needs and impact on others, including victims, children, family, and community members.

We liaise with the Courts, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service, Parole Board for Scotland; and we work closely with our colleagues in the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Tayside and other social work and support services and third sector agencies to help you in all areas of your life.

Contact us

01307 492150

Find out more

Justice social work guidance from the Scottish Government.

Community Justice Scotland