What goes in your bins (if you have a blue bin)


Purple bin (or white sacks): non-recyclable waste

Please sort your waste into the correct bin. Recyclables wrongly going in the purple bin alone cost Angus residents over £1 million per year.

The purple bin (or communal bin with purple lid) is for waste that cannot be recycled.

It is collected fortnightly - find your collection day.

As part of the new recycling service, purple bins will be stickered to show they do not accept recyclable items and that if they contain too many recyclables, they may be tagged and left unemptied.

If your bin is tagged and you are struggling to recycle, you can discuss this with us. If you are disabled or infirm we will take that into account.


Put your general waste in bags before you bin it. This will prevent items such as wrappers or ash blowing away during emptying.

Waste should fit in the bin under a closed lid. We will not collect any bags from beside or on top of your bin.

Heavier items such as bricks or turf should go to a recycling centre.

For larger items, arrange a special uplift or take them to a recycling centre.

Plastic bottles and containers, glass, paper, cardboard, and cans go in the grey or blue recycling bin.

White sack supplies

Some households are issued with white sacks instead of a general waste bin in certain circumstances - for example if there is no room for a bin.

If you use white sacks, we will provide you with a set amount of bags each year which is the equivalent of wheeled bin capacity.

If you feel you need more bags use our enquiry form and your request will be considered in line with our policy on extra bins

If you have an item you need to get rid of and aren’t sure where it should go, try What to do with...