What goes in your bins (if you have a blue bin)


Grey: recycling

The information on this page applies only to households who have a blue bin.

If you do not have a blue bin, there is a separate list of accepted items in grey bins.

The grey recycling bin is collected every four weeks: find your collection day.

The items in your grey bin can only be recycled if they are clean, loose and dry. Do not put items in a plastic bag before you put them in the grey bin.

Rinse away any remnants of food from items you put in the grey bin.

Never put these in the grey bin:

  • medical waste (see your healthcare provider about proper disposal of sharps)

Take these items to a recycling centre instead of putting them in the grey bin:

  • metal (any non food and drink)
  • electrical appliances such as kettles and hairdryers
  • wood
  • textiles
  • batteries

If you have an item you need to get rid of and aren’t sure where it should go, try What to do with...